off market homes for sale
America's most predictive off market home search
Our algorithm can predict the likelihood of home-sale with 85% prediction accuracy
Find more homes for your real estate clients
For Real Estate Brokerages
Lower marketing spend for institutional purchasing
For Institutional Buyers
Predict homeowners in need of a new mortgage
For Mortgage Lenders
A Tech-Enabled Real Estate Company
AnyCurb’s study found that 46% of homeowners have considered selling their home, and 42% would sell if they received a market price offer. It stands to reason that there are potentially 40X+ more homes that buyers should be considering when searching for a new home.
Choose service plan
Data Service Agreement
We provide a data feed to your teams via CSV or AWS.
- Monthly Data Feed
- Predictive Scores by Property
- State-specific
- Connects to your EDW
- Exclusivity available
Concierge Services
We provide sales services to enable transactions for properties.
- Real estate broker support
- Call center enablement
- Postcard services
- Digital advertising
- Custom design
Frequently asked questions
We scrub housing data using our proprietary methods and use 300+ key metrics to give each home a likely-to-sell score.
Our algorithm is tested by an independent 3rd party and indicates that it is 85% accurate when identifying the sellability of a house versus another.
We work with clients (homeowners & homebuyers), real estate brokers, institutional investors that are purchasing real estate, and lenders (national and regional).
We don’t offer a free trial at this time. Our data is proprietary, our cleaning methods are unique, and we don’t discount these services.
Our algorithm is guaranteed to reduce your CAC. If we fail to do this, then we will refund any license fees. Minimum 6 month commitment.
Data is provided via AWS buckets. Data can also be limited to your requested buy-box and limited to the most likely to sell properties.
We have data and clients in IL & KY. We can process any states with our proprietary algorithm. There will be a data origination fee for any new states.