Many people ask if we are AnyCurb or Any Curb. The right answer, we’re AnyCurb but we’re on Any Curb. We can provide brokerage services in our state of Illinois, however, we can help you market your home in any state.
We believe that homebuying and home selling is overcomplicated. If you’re a homeowner, REJOICE! If you’re looking to be a homeowner, our goal is to create the most seamless experience for you to transition into your home and then transition out when you’re ready.
The fears of home ownership are significant in volume. We try to make the process of selling your home frictionless. We start with a multi-step process:
- You claim your home
- You let us know when you’re looking to sell your home
- You let us know the price that you would accept
- We vet all the buyers and only bring offers to you that would meet your criteria.
- We facilitate the transaction with contract assistance.
We take no fees for verifying potential buyers on the platform, or any documentation. Charging for documents is so 1995. We’re over it.
In fact, when you’re ready we can actually help you fill the documents or connect you with an attorney that will give you the confidence that you need. Let’s get back to the name, “AnyCurb.”
The word “Any” inspires inclusivity. We don’t treat different priced homes any differently. We treat them the same. We encourage homeowners of all types of homes to join the platform and begin accepting offers on their property. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You need as many beholders out there looking at your property to get the best price.
The word “Curb” indicates the street is bigger than the house that’s “For Sale.” Simplified, this is the representation that people want to live in a specific neighborhood or even street. They are stressed because not enough homes are on the market and then they have the compromise.

People don’t like to compromise with their location. The items that they compromise with are the Price of the home, the condition of the home, the size and style of the home. When looking at neighborhoods, quality of schools, distance from school, they are unwilling to make compromises. The “Curb” is more important than the house.
In summary, Any Curb or AnyCurb means that all are welcome to receive offers because the location of your house matters more than how it looks today. A dream home is made by the people inside of it, and we don’t let our customers sacrifice location or wait months for the right home to come available.
We believe that there are many homes on the Curb that are waiting for a sale, and we will connect those together. These homes are characterized as off-market properties and don’t show up on any online resource. We unlock this additional inventory by making it easier for homeowners to claim their home and solicit buyer offers.
These off-market properties are treated similar to on-market properties when it comes to receiving offers. We verify each buyer to ensure that they can afford the property that they are touring. We do this to eliminate looky-loos or non-serious buyers. These buyers can stress the homeowner or waste their essential time.
Then, the off-market properties are benefitted by savings thousands in real estate fees. Typically, these properties will pay 5-6% in real estate marketing fees, taken by many brokerages. Because these homes never had to market to the public, they can save at least half of these fees. “Any” one can save these fees.
So, Any Curb or AnyCurb, we’re here to save you big money while selling your home in record time.